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The First Online Meeting between the Cities of Arkhangelsk and Yulin (China)

At the online meeting on 26 July 2022, the Arkhangelsk and Yulin representatives discussed the possibilities of cooperation at municipal level. The reason for discussion of joint plans became successful cooperation between Northern (Arctic) Federal University and Yulin University.

Arkhangelsk attendees of the meeting: Alexey Gerasimov, director of the Organization Work, Public Relations and Control Department of Arkhangelsk City Administration, Sergey Zasolotskiy, director of the Economic Development Department of Arkhangelsk City Administration, Ivan Vorontsov, chairman of the International Relations Commission of Arkhangelsk City Council, Konstantin Zaikov, Vice-Rector for Information Policy, International and Interregional Cooperation of NARFU, and other representatives of Arkhangelsk City Administration and Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Yulin attendees of the meeting: Ren Xiaochun, director of Yulin Bureau of Foreign Affairs and Economic Cooperation, the representatives of Yulin Investment Service Center, Yulin Culture and Tourism Bureau, and Yulin University.

During the meeting, the parties shared information on the economic and cultural potential of the cities and international cooperation experience. The parties agreed to start preparing a plan of joint activities for creation of partnership between enterprises, public institutions and organizations. The Chinese party showed its interest in Margaritinskaya Fair, the main trade event of the Arkhangelsk Region, and requested detailed information on the fair and its business program.

After a range of partner events, the parties will return to discussing the conclusion of a formal twinning agreement.

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